My biggest reason!

So, in the last post, I was just about to tell you guys what’s my biggest reason for why I love Marvel over DC, and here it is. My biggest reason for loving Marvel over DC is… Iron Man. Now hold your horses people, it’s more than just a fangirl type of love for one superhero, it’s more than just that. It’s the fact that the movie came out at the right time and had opened the gateway to superheroes for me. When the movie “Iron Man” came out, I was around the age of seven. Now, if you know science, and you know me, personality of the brain seems to be set in stone once you reach the age of seven, so Marvel had jumped in at the nick of time. Now, I already loved the idea of superheroes and science by this time, but when Iron Man came out, I was instantly smitten. I wanted to go see it so badly, and fortunately, my dad also being a geek for superheroes, brought my sister and I to go see it. My sister wasn’t very moved by the movie, but I? It was set in stone inside my mind. I saw it a second time, a third time, a fourth time, and I was instantly bought. And then two years later, while I was still in my “Iron Man” addiction, they came out with a SECOND Iron Man movie, which strengthened my love for Iron Man even more. Now, by the time this movie has come out, I had done my research, and I had learned about other superheroes, so that when I saw some little tidbits hinting towards other superheroes, I actually knew it when I saw them. The creators of both movies did an amazing job, and even though my love for the movies has faded over time, my love for the superheroes still stayed. A year after that, my horizons were opened with completely new heroes, with the movies Thor and Captain America coming out, but I was also alerted of another set of superheroes; DC. Their first superhero movie (while I was alive and I wasn’t in diapers) was the Green Lantern, but, unfortunately, it didn’t come out a success. Now, because I was always optimistic about movies and I was very knit picky about what movies I chose (that’s why I haven’t seen that many movies at all), I thought it was good movie at the time. But the reaction I had for Iron Man… Wasn’t in Green Lantern. But, I will say this; all these facts, all these reasons, all of this, does not mean I do not like DC. No, that’s not the case, especially in recent days with the new CW shows Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl. Look, my point is this; I love all the superheroes (well, most of them), but there are a select few in my arsenal that I would gladly take over others. Like Green Lantern and the Flash from DC, or Captain America and Iron Man from Marvel. I like the Green Lantern because he told me about the presence of DC, and Iron Man because he always will hold that place in my heart because he got me into the superhero universe (and besides he’s badass), but it’s the Flash and Captain America that I relate to. For the Cap, we’re both not so connected to the modern day as others, and we both seem to follow the same morales, like religion and not using cuss words unless the time given for it (“Language!”- Captain America). For the Flash, well, I have that overall giddiness and love for science, among my friends I tend to be the serious and silly one, and I was given the chance to run because of science. You see, I was born with a club foot, and in some areas of the world that’s a death sentence in an of itself. But thanks to my doctor, I now am able to run, and if I really want to, I can run really fast (just not for long amounts of time, so don’t ask me to join track or soccer or anything like that). Oh yeah, and I’m a red head, duh, how could I forget that? Overall, if you look in my room, I have a Flash poster hanging right next to my “Avengers, age of Ultron” poster and my comic-con pre-Avengers poster. Anyways, the moral is this; both DC comics and Marvel are great superhero companies, but it’s Marvel that has captured my heart. Well that’s all I have to say, so bye!

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