Getting back from camp and going back out

So, a few days ago I got from camp (which was awesome by the way, and if you want me to I can do a blog post about my time out there), and school is coming fast around the corner. Now my sister is going to be starting school tomorrow (oh the horror), and school for me is going to start in about a week. And you know what that means… Packing time!! *Insert gagging noise here* And I have learned a few things from my time at school last year, and I thought that it would be a good idea to share with them with you! So the first, and probably the most important thing to know is that less is more. When you live in a small dorm with someone else, you don’t have that much room to store stuff, and that includes clothing. Don’t bring more than you normally wear and keep the extra to a bare minimum. The second rule that helps refine what you are bringing is to know the three W’s: Where you are going, when you are going, and what you are going to do while there. What do they mean? Well, let’s start with the first one; where you are going. Going somewhere with a beach? Makes sense to bring along the bathing suit and sandals. Not so much if you are going somewhere that is renowned for skiing. Second one; when you are going. Just because Aspen is almost world renowned for its ski resorts, that doesn’t mean that you should be planning for a winter wonderland after school lets out for the summer. And last but no means least, what are you doing. If you’re going down to Florida for your cousin’s wedding it’s most likely a good idea to bring along a nice formal outfit for the occasion, unless they tell you otherwise.

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