First entire week of school finished

So my first week of school has been finished, and already I have had a crazy week. Last weekend was something called the “Sophmore Retreat” (why sophomores get this and not other grades like Juniors as well is beyond me, but I’m not going to complain), where my entire grade and I went out into the desert to sleep in teepees and do team building exercises. During this time, I had brought along my fairy lights, and I decided to wrap them around myself and just go booking it down the line once it was time to go to bed (it was dark out so the only thing people could see was my fairy lights, not me). The intention was to make people laugh, and judging from all the laughs I heard from behind me as I was running, I can most likely say that I was successful. But it also rained a lot during our time out there, which makes no sense since it was A DESERT! But we had a fun time anyway, and I got a whole bunch of funny photos of my classmates doing some silly things, such as a spitting contest (the people playing are supposed to get water into their mouth, and the first one to spit it out laughing loses. Most of the time though, it got onto their opponent, so it was basically a lose-lose situation) and finding an old deer archery target on top of a ledge (it was really creepy). This week during school, not really much happened besides meeting one of the authors of one of the books we read over the summer (Below One Forty Eight, I highly suggest reading it). But this quarter, my actives and work crews are really interesting and fun. My work crew is glassblowing, and while the lottery for students to get into work crews, such as Glassblowing or Blacksmithing, is weighted towards the older students, sometimes younger students (such as myself) can get into them. The sport I play is horseback riding, and since I did it last year, I’m in the advanced group this year. And I can tell that Brain Balance (something I did over the summer that I can talk about if you want me to in a later blog post) helped me out a lot this year. I’m actually keeping my heels down, and I can actually ride my horse Sugar properly at the canter (she’s fast and leg motion is very bumpy). Last night though was one of the funnest nights I’ve had in a while; we played Dungeons and Dragons. Although it took us about two and a half hours to make our characters, I can honestly say that it was definitely worth it. I won’t suggest it though if you are in a rush, cause from the words of Matt Nordin “This ain’t no Snapchat Motherf…!” (He caught himself before he completed it, but you know what he meant). Anyways, I’m looking forward to a new school year, and all the stress that comes with it. And my question for you is, how’s school going with you guys? Everything ok so far? I’d like to hear what you think. Anyways, till next time, bye!

One Comment on “First entire week of school finished

  1. I’m glad everything is going well Katherine! Schools pretty good here as well!

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