I got the braj award!

SI probably should have posted this post earlier considering how it’s not as recent as I wish it were, but I only recently got the time to actually write this down. Anyways, you guys are probably wondering “What is the braj award Katherine?” Well I’ll tell ya. The braj award was created a while back by this really outgoing student whose name I have forgotten. He created it in Silversmithing class out of this piece of bronze and the biggest chain he could find, and made this sort of necklace out of it. I think it has been the biggest thing to ever come out of the silversmithing hut to this day. Anyways, it was created as a way for students and faculty to recognize people that they perceive to be the “brajiest” person on campus, which varies from person to person as the student never really gave a definition as to what being “brajy” means. To some it means holding up all the standards that the founders of this school built this school on, to some it means being a great student in class (this is most of the time used by teachers to give to their students), to others it’s when the receiver is known to have a lot of perseverance and happiness when it comes to sports and trips (this is often given to students from coaches), and to yet others it’s to their mentors and friends (this is how the braj is given to students of other grades and to teachers). The award is given to the next receiver by the previous winner every week at the end of all school meeting, as well as this little black book that is also passed around with the braj. We even have like this little cheer like-thing to signal when it’s time for it to be passed on. I don’t remember how long the tradition has been going on, but I’m pretty sure that it’s been a long time, and I’m proud to say that I’m now a part of the history of the braj award winner. But, to be honest, I didn’t really think I was going to get the braj award. I’m not on any teams here, I’m not the greatest student to come to this school, and I’m not really close friends with people who normally get the braj award, so you got to understand that I was really surprised to hear my name called for it. It was given to me by Jim Gaw, my Chemistry teacher, who said this little speech about me that explained why he was going to give it to me. Forgot to mention, there’s often this little speech people give before handing it off explaining why they’re giving it to the winner, and then after they give the next receiver the award we like to yell the same way we yell “braj” “speech”. Even while he was explaining his reasons and things that I did last year as compared to this year, I didn’t even realize that he was talking about me. Well, I kind of did. I kept on thinking that he was talking about some other girl who set a goal to keep their room clean and to do better in Spanish and is also quiet, but it was always in the back of my mind “is he talking about me?”. I was even thinking that he must have called someone else’s name because in the past I have mistaken my name with someone else’s, like Patrick (how do you even get from Katherine to Patrick? I have no idea.). Apparently, I was also one of the first people, at least this year, to listen to the request of the audience for a speech after receiving it, cause everyone went nuts. I am very proud and humbled at the same time, if that’s even possible, and I can’t wait to write down what I want to write into the black book. The closest example I can think of for you old saint Michael students is the student of the month award, except its only one student getting the award and it’s given to them by anyone else. Speaking of which, I’ve heard something has happened to it. Hmmm….

Anyways, thank you you guys for reading. Hope you guys are having a good school year!

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