Scholarship Work Day and School News!

I know this seems pretty random and out of the blue (sorry for that, but school work comes before blog posts and I have had a LOT of school work to do), but today we had Scholarship Work Day!

What that means is that a pretty decently sized chunk of the student body got to work as volunteers working for others to either clean or do something for them, and in return, we get money to help fund our scholarship program. This is actually a good thing since forty percent of our student body is here on some part of this scholarship program. I’m happy that we got to do this today since had such nice weather today when the past week has been pretty muddy,  and on top of that, it’s Dandelion day! It’s a festival Carbondale celebrates for the weekend for a reason I do not remember at this time. Anyways, we took a break just as this parade came by, and it was the cutest thing ever.

Also, I should probably apologize for any bad descriptions or anything, I’m terribly busy and a little frazzled from school. Good thing we’re almost done with it! I really need a break from school.

Anyways,  I want to wrap up this blog post by saying Happy early Mother’s Day, as it is tomorrow! Shout out to all you moms out there!

Also, I want to ask; should I add a notifications thing to this site, just so that you can see when I post next time? I feel like that can help you guys see when I post next time. Should I? Let me know. Well, thanks!

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