Well I’m back

*Slams into room at mach 3, disheveled* Wow! Hello there! It’s been a while since I’ve been here! How long has it been? *Checks last date update* Three years? Yeesh, I missed a lot of high school… The time I had promised myself to blog during… oops… Sorry.

Well now I’m back, so I’m going to try my hardest to remedy that!

Well now, where the hell have I been? As I said, it’s been, what? Two, three years since I’ve been on here? Going to need to update soon. Oh wait, that’s what I’m doing right now. Missed all the rest of high school, and what fun I had then.

But surely I’ve evolved since then. Oh yes, most surely. I’ve done many things, gone on many trips, learned many things about many people. Gained a few friends, lost a few friends, hell even reunited with a few. I’ve grown in knowledge, plenty of knowledge. My interests continue to change, but that’s not surprising. But even all of this is minor. I’ve done many important things.

Now what could count as important… hm… I got a boyfriend. Does that count as important? I think that counts as important. I got into all of the colleges I applied to, I graduated, and I’m in college, I think that’s important too… I got a job at the zoo during the summer. Oh! I reunited with an old camp friend! Turns out that there’s actually four girls here that all went to Rockbrook Camp for Girls, including myself and my cousin (well technically she’s my second cousin, but we’re not going to deal with that too much…). Speaking of my cousin, she’s here too! By the way, I’m beginning to see the similarities between her and her sister… Sorry, Reba. But that isn’t nearly as important as going to college.

But I have done so much more than I have listed! I have many stories to tell, much to say, and I am ready to tell the world about them! If anyone even remembers of this place… I will tell my stories to the ones who will listen.

For the future, I promise to try and post at least once a month. I want to try and be more social out there, which is why I mostly didn’t blog while I was in high school; I was trying to, as I say and fear and know deep down will one day inevitably be my doom, live. I want to do more things, partially because I want more to blog about, but blogging takes time that I can use for being social, and being less social means I got less to write, which means I spend less time blogging and more time living, which means I got more to write… It’s cycle and a balancing act, and with college homework the time I have left over for free things is also more limited, so I’m going to be trying my best. But who knows? I may even update the style of my blog! (But knowing myself that may take a while…)

Another thing is that I’m going to try is to write about things that are relevant to me; things that I’m doing, things that I remember about in high school and as a child, things I’ve been thinking about, photographs, etc. I may even post some short stories or blurbs of longer stories I’m writing. Perhaps I’ll even write what story ideas I’ve had but haven’t been able to write yet or don’t know how to write yet.

I want this to be my way of letting you inside my head.

For example. Recently I’ve been starting to feel… maybe anxiety? I’m not sure. I’ve just been getting waves upon waves of what I could only describe as regrets. Failure to do things or things that I did do. This is partially why I’m writing these once more, because I remember one of my old classmates, Giselle, telling me that she loved listening to my blog posts while she worked, and I feel like a failure not writing these. I have many failures (and when I mean many, I mean MANY) that plague me, some of which can be remedied, some of which cannot. I, of course, may one day post about them, sort of as a vow to myself to do better, even when it’s hard.

Such as these posts.

It is difficult for me to put these posts up, not for writing them, that’s quite easy (possibly a little too easy) but actually posting them. It seems almost every three sentences I write the writing space likes to freeze up. It gets harder for posting photos, but that’s for a different reason. It won’t tell me what photos I’ve already posted, and what photos I haven’t, so it’s a guessing game and a challenge for me to figure out what photos I have posted and what photos I have not.

Anyways, I just want to say thank you if you have been reading these, and I will try not to fail you in the future.

Thanks, and see you later. Bye!

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