Category: Colorado

Scholarship Work Day and School News!

I know this seems pretty random and out of the blue (sorry for that, but school work comes before blog posts and I have had a LOT of school work to do), but today we had Scholarship Work… Read More

I got the braj award!

SI probably should have posted this post earlier considering how it’s not as recent as I wish it were, but I only recently got the time to actually write this down. Anyways, you guys are probably wondering “What… Read More


Hey you guys! Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day! So, as a student, I always remembered how the weekends were a time to have fun, get stuff done, and overall just have some free time with your friends…. Read More

My Last Day…

*sigh* I guess this is it. My last day as a free girl… Here ends my chapter in Ohio… But tomorrow starts a new one, a new chapter in Colorado. Doesn’t mean I won’t miss the last chapter,… Read More