Category: School stuff

Well I’m back

*Slams into room at mach 3, disheveled* Wow! Hello there! It’s been a while since I’ve been here! How long has it been? *Checks last date update* Three years? Yeesh, I missed a lot of high school… The… Read More

Scholarship Work Day and School News!

I know this seems pretty random and out of the blue (sorry for that, but school work comes before blog posts and I have had a LOT of school work to do), but today we had Scholarship Work… Read More

I am terrible at this blogging thing…

So, as you guys can probably tell, I’m not keeping up to my promise of posting a blog post as often as I can. I mean, I had meant to post a blog post the day I had… Read More

Interim has arrived and announcement

So, today was the first day of Interim, and we have already done some fun things. In case if you don’t know, Interim is a week long thing where students take a break from normal classes to focus… Read More

I got the braj award!

SI probably should have posted this post earlier considering how it’s not as recent as I wish it were, but I only recently got the time to actually write this down. Anyways, you guys are probably wondering “What… Read More

Getting back from camp and going back out

So, a few days ago I got from camp (which was awesome by the way, and if you want me to I can do a blog post about my time out there), and school is coming fast around… Read More