Category: Uncategorized

Old Photos I Want To Upload

Well I’m back

*Slams into room at mach 3, disheveled* Wow! Hello there! It’s been a while since I’ve been here! How long has it been? *Checks last date update* Three years? Yeesh, I missed a lot of high school… The… Read More

First entire week of school finished

So my first week of school has been finished, and already I have had a crazy week. Last weekend was something called the “Sophmore Retreat” (why sophomores get this and not other grades like Juniors as well is… Read More

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts. I love them. I actually used to be one of them, but even if I wasn’t a girl scout veteran, I would still love these girls. Now, if you haven’t heard about this group, (and you… Read More

Photos from Georgia

Thanksgiving and updates

First off, so so so so sorry I haven’t been able to keep up with my blog. It’s been a pain, and I’ve come up with so many ideas for blog posts, but it’s not that easy to… Read More


Hey you guys! Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a LONG while, it just takes a large amount of time to do these posts. So, to not disappoint you guys and to keep with my schedule, I will… Read More

Mission: Wolf Part 1

Hey you guys! I’m back! So, I just got back from my fall trip, which is essentially five days out of the week taken out of regular education to get us learning about Colorado, do a little recreational… Read More


So, I have been lately thinking of all my classes, and I noticed that one of the classes is out of place. Geography. Now, I know what you may be thinking; “KATHERINE!!! Isn’t Geography just the study of… Read More

A week has gone by…

*sigh* so a week has gone by at CRMS, and to be honest it’s been quite stressful. So far in this past week I have received homework (should of seen that coming), met and dealt with the teachers… Read More