My biggest reason!

So, in the last post, I was just about to tell you guys what’s my biggest reason for why I love Marvel over DC, and here it is. My biggest reason for loving Marvel over DC is… Iron Man. Now hold your horses people, it’s more than just a fangirl type of love for one superhero, it’s more than just that. It’s the fact that the movie came out at the right time and had opened the gateway to superheroes for me. When the movie “Iron Man” came out, I was around the age of seven. Now, if you know science, and you know me, personality of the brain seems to be set in stone once you reach the age of seven, so Marvel had jumped in at the nick of time. Now, I already loved the idea of superheroes and science by this time, but when Iron Man came out, I was instantly smitten. I wanted to go see it so badly, and fortunately, my dad also being a geek for superheroes, brought my sister and I to go see it. My sister wasn’t very moved by the movie, but I? It was set in stone inside my mind. I saw it a second time, a third time, a fourth time, and I was instantly bought. And then two years later, while I was still in my “Iron Man” addiction, they came out with a SECOND Iron Man movie, which strengthened my love for Iron Man even more. Now, by the time this movie has come out, I had done my research, and I had learned about other superheroes, so that when I saw some little tidbits hinting towards other superheroes, I actually knew it when I saw them. The creators of both movies did an amazing job, and even though my love for the movies has faded over time, my love for the superheroes still stayed. A year after that, my horizons were opened with completely new heroes, with the movies Thor and Captain America coming out, but I was also alerted of another set of superheroes; DC. Their first superhero movie (while I was alive and I wasn’t in diapers) was the Green Lantern, but, unfortunately, it didn’t come out a success. Now, because I was always optimistic about movies and I was very knit picky about what movies I chose (that’s why I haven’t seen that many movies at all), I thought it was good movie at the time. But the reaction I had for Iron Man… Wasn’t in Green Lantern. But, I will say this; all these facts, all these reasons, all of this, does not mean I do not like DC. No, that’s not the case, especially in recent days with the new CW shows Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl. Look, my point is this; I love all the superheroes (well, most of them), but there are a select few in my arsenal that I would gladly take over others. Like Green Lantern and the Flash from DC, or Captain America and Iron Man from Marvel. I like the Green Lantern because he told me about the presence of DC, and Iron Man because he always will hold that place in my heart because he got me into the superhero universe (and besides he’s badass), but it’s the Flash and Captain America that I relate to. For the Cap, we’re both not so connected to the modern day as others, and we both seem to follow the same morales, like religion and not using cuss words unless the time given for it (“Language!”- Captain America). For the Flash, well, I have that overall giddiness and love for science, among my friends I tend to be the serious and silly one, and I was given the chance to run because of science. You see, I was born with a club foot, and in some areas of the world that’s a death sentence in an of itself. But thanks to my doctor, I now am able to run, and if I really want to, I can run really fast (just not for long amounts of time, so don’t ask me to join track or soccer or anything like that). Oh yeah, and I’m a red head, duh, how could I forget that? Overall, if you look in my room, I have a Flash poster hanging right next to my “Avengers, age of Ultron” poster and my comic-con pre-Avengers poster. Anyways, the moral is this; both DC comics and Marvel are great superhero companies, but it’s Marvel that has captured my heart. Well that’s all I have to say, so bye!

Marvel vs DC battle!

So, as I had mentioned in the previous blog post, I like Marvel more than DC. And I know that this is one of the biggest battles that has ever been known, and I might get yelled at for this, but I’m just throwing in my two cents into the argument. So, as I said in the last article, one of my reasons for why I like Marvel is because Marvel’s superheroes are much more brave. We can see them do things that are thought of as brave, and as I was only able to write down two examples of Marvel superheroes being brave due to length, I had many other examples, but I’ll leave that up to you guys to find out for yourself. But, Marvel has heroes that while although being very OP, we can relate to them more because they have a weakness, sometimes multiple weaknesses. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman; the top three superheroes of the DC Universe and of superheroes in general. They are basically gods compared to everyone else in their overly OP powers, their popularity, their timelessness, “always the winner” attitude, exedra exedra. And while that is good in an of itself, those very facts can also drive away people. We can’t connect to them because they don’t have a weakness. Take superman for example. During the early days of comic books, all Superman was, was a God. Sure, he had the timeless superpowers of flight, heat vision (not laser vision, it’s a common misconception), frost breath, super speed, and super strength, but at that time, if Superman happened to be in a jam that he couldn’t get out of, he’d just form another super power out of the blue, use it, and then we’d never see it again. Like, he was able to shape shift by just simply molding his head with his own hands, clear memories with a kiss, make holographic versions of himself, or even shoot a mini superman out of his hand! How the heck does that work?! *Ahem* Sorry, getting just a little worked up right there, but my point still stands. He’s invincible, he’s unbeatable, he’s perfect. We don’t expect him to have a weakness, and that includes emotions. So when the writers decide it’s time to emotionally hurt Superman, we the audience and the other characters think he has gone crazy. He didn’t learn how to cope with sadness as a young child, he never learned about that emotion. I mean, sure, he could of seen friends and family feeling sad, but he didn’t actually feel that pain that they experienced. Now before you guys say “but lost his parents and his family! That’s pain!”, no. No it is not. He was a baby when the planet exploded, he doesn’t remember anything. He didn’t know he came from another planet until his dad told him! *Ahem* Sorry, getting off topic again. Anyways, another reason why I like Marvel more than DC is because the superheroes there are not things you answer too. The Justice League is just one gigantic group of superheroes that eventually made a organization. While the Avengers were created by either Tony Stark or by SHIELD (depends on which version you look at).

Bravery. What is it?

“Heroes aren’t fearless. Heroes are brave. Bravery requires fear. And fear is born of loving something enough that it’s loss would break you.” – Unknown. So, what is bravery? We use the word to describe to so many people’s (and sometimes pets) actions, and most of the time we do use it correctly, but those small amounts of time that we use it incorrectly causes us to blur up the description. So, what does it mean? The dictionary term of “brave” is “ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage”. Well, what is courage? Courage is “the ability to do something that frightens oneself”. So, the definition of being “brave” is that, even though you are afraid of whatever you are facing; whether it may be a giant hulking robot, a terrible illness, a gigantic army of evil-doers (because those totally exist), or even just facing the ordinary school bullies, you don’t let that fear affect you. You don’t allow your fear of these things to affect and control you. But, another part of being brave is that it’s selfless. It’s a selfless act done by someone in order to help others. You can’t be brave for yourself, that’s just the flight-or-fight response in you. But if you are doing this to protect the people (and animals) that you love, no matter if you know in the front part of your mind that this will defiantly lead to your death or of you being in severe pain, but you still do it without a second guess; that’s bravery. We can use this word to describe so many people; firemen, police officers, soldiers, superheroes, that cat you saw on youtube fighting off the evil dog to protect the kid (ok maybe not the last one). But, not everyone who falls under these categories is brave. Take superheroes, for example. Now, if you know me best, you know that I love Marvel more than DC. And one of the reasons why I love Marvel over DC is because Marvel has characters that fight for more than just “truth, justice, and the american way” (except for Captain America, he fights for that and other reasons.). And while both companies make brave superheroes, Marvel has what feels like way more brave superheroes than DC, and those reasons show up multiple times. (Warning, big spoilers ahead. If you haven’t seen the Avengers or Captain America, skip to the end mark) In Captain America the first movie, before he even got the “super soldier serum”, Steve Rogers threw himself onto a grenade to protect his fellow soldiers, even though they bullied him on the bootcamp. It wasn’t until six seconds of nothing happening that Steve found out that the grenade was a fake with the famous words “Is this a test?”, and is probably the reason why he became Captain America. Iron Man in the movie, “The Avengers”, learned near the end of their fight with aliens that SHIELD had launched a nuke at the city to solve the problem (cause that’s totally how to stop an alien invasion, John), and without a second thought latched himself onto the nuke, and drove it up through the portal and launched it at the alien space station. Even with Captain America telling him that this was a one way trip, the dude who said like, forty five minutes ago that he knew men worth ten of Tony Stark, Tony still did it (and thankfully lived).(Ok, your back? Good.) DC has some brave superheroes, sure, but it’s not the same. Superman is invincible to all weapons we have against him (except for kryptonite, but that came from another planet), what is he afraid of? Bravery comes from fear, as the quote said before, and he can’t be brave if he has nothing to fear! Same goes for Wonder Woman! She was almost a female version of Superman before Supergirl came, who I have the same rant about her too! And even Batman! Even though he’s human, he has trained himself so much since he was a kid so that he could be at prime physical and mental condition that he has reached a whole new level of human. I’m pretty sure that his feelings of revenge and justice has covered his bravery so much that the title of the animated series shouldn’t of been: “Batman; the Brave and the Bold” but “Batman; the Smart and the Brooding”. I’ve only been able to find two examples of extreme bravery from two heroes in this universe, and one time was in a video game! (That got bad reviews!) That one was Shazam, who by the end of the game “Injustice; Gods among us”, felt bad by helping Superman try to control the world, and tried to go against Superman, which is basically a death sentence in that universe, which is what happened! He got killed (very painfully as well, I might add) for trying to speak up against Superman’s crazy idea of destroying Metropolis and Gotham, and then wanted to go to the other dimension and destroy its earth. And the other one was the Barry Allen Flash in the “crisis of infinite earths” comic book series (If you haven’t heard of this than you have lived under a rock up until now). But, to put it simply, in order to protect all the multiple universes from getting destroyed, the Flash ran so fast to keep this big bomb from exploding that he literally ripped his atoms apart, which I may add, also sounds like a painful way to go. Fortunately, DC comics couldn’t keep their Silver Age superhero dead for long, and brought him back with science (unlike other heroes…). Anyways, I’m getting off topic. The point is, just because one person works for a job that people describe as brave, doesn’t mean that that person is brave. You probably won’t even notice if you or another is brave until they do something brave. So, may I ask; are you brave?

Well now that I am done rambling, I want to ask you the ordinary question; who in your life (fictional or not) is brave? Did I forget some superhero? Do you know of someone in real life that you can call as “Brave”? Tell me down in the comments! Bye!

Thanksgiving and updates

First off, so so so so sorry I haven’t been able to keep up with my blog. It’s been a pain, and I’ve come up with so many ideas for blog posts, but it’s not that easy to post when now it seems all of my time is taken up either doing chores or work. It sucks, I know, and I know I have made a promise to post every Thursday and Saturday, but it’s not that easy. All my free time seems to be taken up either doing work, doing chores, or going away from my dorm to do fun things (this may be fun, but the hot springs are pretty fun as well…). I promise to do more posts over the holiday when I am not sleeping or doing anything special, like hanging out with you guys! I really want to get in touch, and I may be visiting St. Michael’s again, so drop me a line. Trust me, I will get bored if I don’t have anyone to talk to. Anyways, Happy early thanksgiving!!


Hey you guys! Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a LONG while, it just takes a large amount of time to do these posts. So, to not disappoint you guys and to keep with my schedule, I will be posting every Thursday and Saturday, since those are the days when I get just a little bit more free time. I promise that the next post will be part 2 of the Mission:Wolf blog, and after that I will be doing other posts as well. Thanks for being SO patient with me, I’ve just been so busy lately dealing with a new schedule, but now that I feel like I have control over it, I think I can go on and start doing blog posts. See you guys later!

Mission: Wolf Part 1

Hey you guys! I’m back! So, I just got back from my fall trip, which is essentially five days out of the week taken out of regular education to get us learning about Colorado, do a little recreational work, and get some vigorous exercise in (as if we didn’t get enough already). While many of the other students did stuff such as backpacking through a canyon or fly fishing, I did something just a little bit different, and when I mean different, I mean REALLY different. I’m talking about Mission: Wolf. Now you may be asking yourself “KATHERINE! What’s Mission: Wolf?” MW (Mission: Wolf)’s main motive is to be a sanctuary to Wolves and to Wolf-Dogs, and to teach people about them. Now, this trip is not for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach, since during it I got to have the WONDERFUL chance of cutting up a horse and a cow (the horse was planned, the cow was not). Now, I’m not going to post pictures of that, because the people said for me not to, but besides, how many of you guys want to see that? I’m presuming not that many. But, it really did teach me how death of one can lead to the life of another. And being with the wolves was the absolute best. You know how when you smell your dogs breath it really stinks? Well, wolves don’t have that. Their breath smelled nice!!!! But there was a certain method of going up to the wolves; first, act as if you are the king (or queen) of the world while you are walking into their cage, acting as if they don’t exist until you sit down. Then, you need to sit up straight (you get good back posture!). This is because wolves won’t be able to tell if it’s a human slouching, or if it’s a predator like a bear, so if you sit up straight, the wolves will come to you. And when a wolf does come up to you, keep your eyes and your mouth open, and allow for them to touch nose to nose with you. Wolves greet each other by touching each other’s noses and smelling each other’s breath, and by looking into their eyes, you are being greet worthy. Essentially, if you don’t, it’s like holding back a toddler from a hug. The more you restrain them, the more they want a hug until they practically tackle you. And then, after that, you’re done. The wolf may come back, may not. Depends on the wolf. But it is really a adventure to go have, if you have the chance, go do it. I suggest going to MW’s website (, it really has a lot of information about the wolves and the organization itself, and and how wolves help the environment. Now, I know I have been talking a lot, and I know you guys have something called “lives”, so I will continue on with my rant about the place in part two of Mission: Wolf. So, thanks for reading, and until next time, bye!!


Hey you guys! Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day! So, as a student, I always remembered how the weekends were a time to have fun, get stuff done, and overall just have some free time with your friends. But nowadays, during the weekends now, I am genuinely quite bored. I don’t mean all day, I mean, later I’m going to a hot air balloon festival, so that’s sure to not be boring at all. And yesterday, we played sit-down ball (essentially dodgeball, but it’s every man for himself. I was like a gazelle; prancing everywhere while the ball was flying after me. It’s awesome, I highly recommend it). But, the time in between, there’s nothing really for me to do. And it’s not just me saying this, it’s my dormmates too. Right now, as I am typing this, my roommate (who loves dying her hair), is helping another girl in my dorm dye her hair as well. I for oneself, will not dye my hair when I get extremely bored, but I guess some people have other preferences. There is just really not that much to do when you are not doing something planned. Your room is probably clean since they check the cleanliness of it every night during the weekdays. Sunday there is a Study Hall, so you don’t really need to do your homework now unless you want to be really far ahead (which, to be honest, they give you a study hall for about two and a half hours each day on a weekday and Sunday, where you are supposed to do nothing but homework, so I would say enjoy your weekend for what it is and don’t do homework unless you know you can’t get it all in during Study Hall). And, most usually disappear during the weekends, even the ones who share the same dorm with you. You don’t see them all day, unless you catch them in the bathroom or the Bar Fork (cafeteria) during Brunch or Dinner, and the rest of the day you don’t really see anyone. It’s quite annoying when I can’t even find my dormmate. So I really get a lot of free time during the weekend to myself, even though I want to be with people. The logic of it is so unfair. So the motto of this blog is this; enjoy your weekend, and enjoy your friends. At you can find them.


So thanks another blog of mine, and tell me how your weekend is going so far. And tell me topics that I can talk about. It’s really hard for me to think up topics for my blog posts, and I want to keep writing this as commonly as I can, so please, comment down below what should I talk about next? Should I show you guys around campus is a somewhat-like vlog? Should I talk to you guys about the animals on Campus? My dormmates? My classmates? My teachers? What should I talk about. Thanks for reading and see you next time! Bye!


So, I have been lately thinking of all my classes, and I noticed that one of the classes is out of place. Geography. Now, I know what you may be thinking; “KATHERINE!!! Isn’t Geography just the study of rocks or something?”, well, let me tell you, that is certainly not the case. Geography is (at least from AO’s point of view), the connection of the human race and the Earth. And from what I am hearing, our connection sucks. We are apparently killing it, and in a very slow fashion. But I was wondering, “Why do I have to take this class? I mean, it’s one of the funnest ones here, cause it’s sort of like Mr. Wallace’s debate sessions, except all class and every day, but still. Why do I have to take this?” But then, it hit me. IT’S A RELIGION CLASS FOR AN ALL RELIGION SCHOOL!!!! Except, instead of talking about God, it’s talking about the Earth as if it has feelings, but for one thing, it kind of does. And from what I am hearing about it, we are doing sucky things to this planet, and there is no way to stop it. I kind of get sad during it, but the debates over taxes and other political things with Lennard make it SO WORTH IT. Sorry, he just puts me on edge so much. But it is funny to see John and Lennard duke it out over if America is a good place or not. Anyways, I am glad that this class is here, it really shows me a few things about the Earth that I didn’t get to learn from back at home.


Anyways, tell me what your favorite class is! I want to hear, I want to hear how it works, who the teacher is and their teaching style, and if you still go to St. Michaels, how are the new teachers? I want to hear. And I promise, I will do a blog post (or even a vlog post) of my campus. I PROMISE. See ya!


A week has gone by…

IMG_5747*sigh* so a week has gone by at CRMS, and to be honest it’s been quite stressful. So far in this past week I have received homework (should of seen that coming), met and dealt with the teachers (most of them are good), have made at least acquaintances with my dorm mates and roommate, one of which is named Lexy, (I just can’t get away from them…), have adjusted to sleeping schedules (who knew that in fear of waking up my roommate I can book it out of bed faster than if I needed to go to the bathroom?) have successfully had the BEST pizza and shakes you can ever imagine, weeded with a oscillating hoe (thanks goes to Dexter for telling the name), have dealt with so many new people here (some of which who make my skin crawl) and have already successfully done a full load of laundry. And to be honest, I think the laundry is harder than the homework. (This is mostly aimed at my fellow ex-students) You know how when you need laundry to be done, all you need to do is drop it off by your laundry room or your washing machine which is probably only like a couple rooms away or a level down from your room and you either do it yourself (if you do, good for you, you understand a small part of what I did) or just leave it up to your parents (don’t worry, I did that too)? Well you know nothing about what I have to do now for most of my boarding school life. Today I had to walk across two dorms length of driveway (which is just around the size of three quarters the size of a football field), take it into my cafeteria (which we call the bar fork, I’ll do a walk of campus blog to tell you what it looks like), walk into the kitchen, walk down a flight of stairs with a laundry basket (full of laundry no less) and soap, and see if there is a washing machine free. If there is, I have to load up the washing machine with soap and load up the clothing, being careful of what I put in there to make sure I don’t potentially ruin the entire wash, and basically babysit it while it washes. And then do the cycle again with the dryer! See if one is open, if it is load it up and begin the tedious task of babysitting the dryer until done. If there wasn’t a washing machine or dryer open, well… I honestly don’t know what I would then. Haven’t had to deal with that ordeal yet. Guess I’ll find out then. Anyways, when I am done with all that (which takes roughly two hours, give or take), I have to then carry it all the way BACK to my dorm and fold it all up and put it away, which if you know me very well was not my strongest trait. Oh well, all in order to keep my room clean I guess. We have something called “dorm check” every night on the weekdays to allow us to catch up with each other and our dorm head to see if anything new has come up and see if there is any news. If not then we do our dorm jobs. And oh yeah, you know the punishment most of your parents have probably have told you of, “If you do this then you are going to need to clean the toilets!”? Yeah… Well that is actually a dorm job, not a punishment. And must be done EVERY night on the weekdays, as well as many other things, like clean the sinks and mirrors in the bathroom, sweep and mop the floor, wipe the windows, and so much more.

Well, anyways, enough of me rambling. Comment down below how your first week of school has gone, and how much homework you think you have. And if you are out of school, tell me how your week has been without your kids being there for eight days of the day? I would like to hear! Thanks, and talk to you all later! Bye!

My Last Day…

*sigh* I guess this is it. My last day as a free girl… Here ends my chapter in Ohio… But tomorrow starts a new one, a new chapter in Colorado. Doesn’t mean I won’t miss the last chapter, but like the song that we sung at graduation said “can’t go back, but you can look”, I need to move on. To all my fellow St. Michael students, I’m NOT abandoning you guys, that’s the reason why I made this blog. To keep in touch with you guys. I want you guys to be here with me, but you can’t, so I want you guys to see how my life is. I will miss you guys SO MUCH, you are all beautiful (or handsome) in your own way and don’t you guys forget that (especially you few who have said to my face otherwise, you know who you are). So, keep in touch, I will try to respond as soon as possible, but I am in a different time zone, so 3:00 to you guys is 5:00 to me, so I may not be available (so don’t text me like at midnight, I need my beauty sleep and I think my roommate will agree with me, considering how I am in the morning). Be good, and I will see you guys in ten weeks! Bye!


P.S. I won’t be able to answer any texts or basically ANYTHING you send me for the first ten days because I will be out in the wilderness and won’t be ANYWHERE near close to a phone (and to anyone who can’t bear to separate from their phone for a minute, I dare you to put your phone in a box for a full day and NOT touch it. It helps you see the world.), so be patient.